Refrain from eating added sugar for a month.. The result is 8 amazing benefits
If you are a sweet person who does not get bored of eating biscuits and cakes and cookies, you are not alone, but if you stop eating for a month, you will face huge health consequences.
For example, the American Heart Association says that Americans consume an average of 77 grams of
added sugar per day, which is three times the amount recommended for women, adding that 4 grams of sugar per day, according to the nutritionists site. A small serving equals "eat this".
The association found that the main source of added sugar comes from drinks, then fast food and sweets.
A different type of sugar than natural sugar, which is added during the manufacture of foods and beverages.
These sugars can make food tastier, but excessive consumption can pose significant risks to the body and mind, and a st published by Harvard University found that consuming excess sugars is linked to everything from diabetes to weight gain to fatty liver disease. Till is connected to everything.
However, if a person decides to abstain from added sugar for just one month, he or she will get the following, even if it is difficult in the beginning:
Limiting inflammation in the body:
A study published in 2006 concluded that there is a direct link between sugar and chronic inflammation, which affects 125 million Americans, including diabetes and heart and vascular disease, and a host of diseases such as Alzheimer's. A wide range is included. anxiety with inflammatory arthritis, and poor dietary habits. White sugar helps reduce these risks.
Lower risk of cancer:
Several studies have shown that avoiding added sugar may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, as this type of sugar feeds cancer cells.
Energy booster:
Although sugar is a source of energy, according to Health Reports, it is not the type of energy that is important, as sugar is often present in processed foods, such as cakes and cookies.
When you stop eating these foods, you'll have more energy and feel better than ever.
Improve bowel health: If a person is suffering from flatulence and problems in the digestive system, and to get rid of that discomfort, stopping the consumption of sugar for a month would be very helpful.
For example, this may lead to a better balance of beneficial gut bacteria, while excess sugar may favor harmful gut bacteria, leading to digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation.
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